Folklore Museum of Marpissa

The Folklore Museum of Marpissa, Paros, travels you back into the village life of the past.
Opening Times, summer: Open every day from 19:00 to 21:00pm, except Mondays.
For winter visits, open upon request.
The museum presents a traditional Parian home with all its rooms: sitting-living room, workshop, kitchen, bathroom, storeroom and a barbershop below the entrance.
The antique-objects on display have been collected with great care by the Women's Association of Marpissa: furniture, decoration, tools, clothes… It is the people of Marpissa that happily donated their families' heirlooms to be exhibited in the museum.
The idea of establishing this museum came from the Women's Association of Marpissa in 1997. The local Community adopted the idea and provided the site for the museum.