
Σάλσα Μπαρ
Μπαρ με Λάτιν μουσική, μέσα στο Dubliner clubbing complex. • Ανοιχτά το καλοκαίρι.
+30 22840 21113 | Παροικιά, Ποτάμι
Sativa is an original Cafe & Live Music Bar where you can listen to some of the best music on the island, ranging from lounge to funk and from reggae to electronic, while various live bands spice up the moods. In the summer, Sativa is open all day long, serving breakfast, coffee, juices and snacks in its dreamy interior courtyard and on the stone-paved street in front. • Opening hours summer: 9am to late at night, winter: from 9pm.
+30 22840 28307 | Parikia, Old Town, Market Street